SMCC Success in the GB Cup!

Every year the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain holds a digital competition called the GB Cup, which is open to any member club. There are two categories, Open and Nature, and each club can enter 24 images into each, with no more than 4 images by any one author.


This year SMCC was placed joint 3rd in Nature, out of 63 clubs, which is a fantastic achievement (in the Open category we came 25th out of 66 clubs). Not only that, one of our members, John Nightingale, received a Highly Commended award for his image 'Black Grouse Lek'.


In the GB Cup, three judges each give a score from 2 to 5, giving a total maximum of 15 for each image. Any image scoring 12 or more is considered 'accepted'. In a British Photographic Exhibition, usually 12 is the score required for acceptance into the exhibition.


Below you can see a gallery of all the SMCC GB Cup images which were accepted. The authors and scores are given. Many congratulations to all!

GB Cup 2023 Accepted Images