The Macro Group Out and About
During the first months of 2023 the Macro Group has remained active, with both outdoor and indoor photography sessions. In addition there have been regular Zoom meetings.
Indoor photo meets have been either kindly hosted by Tony or held in the hall at Union Chapel Fallowfield. Subjects have included both insects and flowers. We have received excellent guidance on posing the subjects to achieve the best compositions as well advice on appropriate camera settings and lighting combinations. Using these instructions as well as illustrative demonstrations, members have been able to create some memorable images.
The Macro Group in Action

Outdoors, we have visited local parks and other locations known to be good places for certain flowers or blossoms. Subjects have included Snowdrops, Crocuses, tree blossoms and Wood Anemones. These have all had their individual challenges, such as low lying flowers and wind blown blossoms. We have seen members lying on wet muddy ground to obtain the best composition, or trying to capture swaying blossoms without that red car showing in the background.
The regular Zoom meetings have allowed members to show their favourite images from these outings, or their own explorations. Friendly critique is shared along with suggestions on how an alternate image might have been captured. All this is done in a very positive way with members being prepared with advice ready to use on the next outing.
Macro Members' Images April 2023




As spring goes towards summer, we look forward to further outdoor flora and fauna photography sessions together with continued evaluation and advice from our mentor and fellow members. Several activities are planned, including a session at Manchester Pets and Aquatics with their beautiful reptiles, outdoor insect shoots at Reddish Vale and other locations, and an indoor insect shoot at Union Chapel in Fallowfield.